Saturday, July 28, 2012

Divine Surgery

GOD is soooooooo GOOD!  
I mentioned a few days ago in my blog that my family and I were attending a conference this week, our yearly get-away for spiritual rejuvenation.   Well, once again the Lord spoke to my heart, and as always I returned home with a new perspective on ministry and a new appreciation for my Savior.
My dear sisters, I believe that sometimes my greatest roadblock to hearing clearly from the Lord is myself.  Do you feel that way too?  This past week at our conference, I was forced to look within  and allow the Lord to perform “divine surgery”,  to show me things in my heart and my mind that needed to be removed, things that were getting in the way of me being totally focused and in tune with what God wants to do in my life.  Just as physical surgery can be painful, spiritual surgery can be painful as well; we can become very comfortable in our ways and thought patterns.  Just knowing that we must change can be very uncomfortable!
Through worship, prayer, speakers/teachers, and other sisters in Christ, the Lord helped me to see how I can be more of an obedient daughter to Him, to better serve Him and His people.  The Lord spoke to me in many ways, but I want to share two things with you:
  1. I can trust the Lord to be faithful to His Word and His promises.   This is something I already knew, but I believe that the Lord wanted me to have an even deeper understanding of how He can be trusted with ALL areas of my life.  Sometimes I try to handle things myself; I need to get out of the way and let God do His work!  Also, His Word stands forever! I can count on the fact that He WILL faithfully perform every promise! 
  2.   It is very important to disciple others and help them grow.   For the past few years the Lord has allowed me to mentor/disciple others, and I love being involved in such a wonderful  process.  His Spirit further encouraged me that as we are intentional about helping others grow in Christ, those we help will in turn help others, and they will help others, and so on.   We can be used by our Savior to help advance His kingdom here on earth… awesome to be a part of that!  
Ladies, thank the Lord when He performs His divine surgery on us.  The cutting process may not be pleasant, but the healing draws us closer to Him, so that we may be in His perfect will.   God knows what He wants to do in our lives….let our Savior have His way!
“For I know the plans that I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11

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