Friday, October 13, 2017

CoNfEsSiOn TiMe....

I am a teacher and this week has been my Fall Break.....therefore I pre-wrote all of my blogs for this week and post dated them....................BECAUSE....I am spending my Fall Breaking keep these two blessings.  (Mom & Dad are on a cruise, so Mimi and Grandaddy get to keep them ALL WEEK.)
May you have a wonderful next few weeks.............and enjoy the fall weather.  I will see you again in five weeks.
.P.S.  Just a little update.  Cameron is four years old and loves cars, building things and pretending.  Kinley is three and loves coloring, drawing, letters and numbers.............anything school or craft related.  OPPOSITES.
When you stay with Mimi and she is a former Kindergarten learn to write your name EVEN though that is NOT your thing and even though your younger sister has been doing it for months....................and you are soooo proud of yourself and discover that you like practicing your name.  (Since this is NOT his thing.....this is a great accomplishment.)

 Also when you spend the week with Mimi and she enjoys Bible get obsessed and Bible Journal three year old style.  (Don't judge pants on.....just a casual, lazy day at Mimi and Grandaddys.)

Children are NEVER too young to introduce them to the WORD!

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