Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Another Soul Won.....

Sunday, after church, one of our little folks......accepted Jesus as her Savior.  She is six years old, so mom questioned whether she knew what she was doing or not.

God only asks that we come to him as a little child............as adults, sometimes we make it too complicated.

Charly, the little girl, is one of my former kids at church.  It melted my heart that she accepted Christ...................and some of her logic during it.

She was worried about hell.....so she began to ask her mom about hell. 

If there is fire, why can't they just find grass and drop and roll? 

Couldn't God just give them one more chance?  After her mom explained that God had given them chance after change and this was their punishment.  Her spankings are called pow-pows............so she said, "I get it.  That's God's pow-pow for them not listening to him."

Finally she told her mom.....I am not saved and I don't want to go to hell.  Her mom was trying to smooth it over and tell her that she was little and her and her 2 year old sister would go to heaven because they were still little.  She said, NO....I do not have Jesus in my heart............I would go to hell.

After leading her through the plan of salvation......mom asked Charly......if you died where would you go?  Charly smiled real big and said, mommy, NOW I would go to Heaven.

Awwww..............to get them at a young age, before Satan has rope around their necks.

THIS is why I think it is soooooooooooo important to start children at a very early age learning about God. 

I know that in most churches the children are in the nursery until they are at least 3 or 4 years old..  Not our church.  As soon as they turn 2, we move them to a learning class.  You would be very surprised what they pick up on.  We are developing a habit and a pattern and laying the blocks for later.

God is good....................all the time!

Charly wants Roger to baptize her so it will be a few months before her baptism.....but this makes 12 since December.  She will be walking the isle and joining our church and making it public now.

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