Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Count Down

For all teachers and students.....we are down to COUNT DOWN.  We are all anxiously anticipating the end of the year.

Last week and this week and next week..........we are taking the TN Ready Tests.  The week after that, in my computer lab, we will be giving the I-Ready end of the year placement tests to determine which students need RTI (Response to Intervention). is practically over.  It will be busy, busy, busy as always wrapping the year up.........Academic Banquet, Rewards Day, Celebration activities for the kids, grade cards, permanent records, etc.

But like I said...............lots of anxious anticipation, excitement and preparation is put into the next few weeks.

I know I am preaching to the choir............but, as a nation, aren't we down to COUNT DOWN?  Shouldn't we be anxiously anticipating the second coming of Christ?  Shouldn't we be excited and making preparations by going out into the highways and hedges and compelling them to come it?

Many times we get so wrapped up in the NOW that we forget why we are REALLY HERE on earth.

Let's anxiously anticipate the second coming of Christ...........and let's Be Ready!

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