Monday, April 16, 2018


My weekend plans changed drastically with a phone call Friday morning.

In the middle of the discussion time I was leading for a MOPs group, it came.

The next hour or two became a blur of making contacts to cancel plans and packing clothes to accommodate several potential outcomes.

Hot tears fueled by "what-if" fears made concentrating hard, but as the odometer surely ticked the miles passing by, the still small voice of the One who knew what the day would hold long before I did,  simply seemed to say, "Remember."

Remember what? I knew instantly. In my quiet time that morning, I had been extolled to "Remember." That one word whispered to my soul was all I needed to put things into perspective.

I follow Desiring God on Instagram and that morning this is what I had read:

We complain because we forger. Take a moment and look back on God's fingerprints all over your life. . . 

  • Remember how God has protected you from making shipwreck of your life. 
  • Remember how God graciously let you grow up in a godly family. 
  • Remember how God awakened you to the ugliness of your sin. 
  • Remember how you walked away from that terrible car crash. 
  • Remember hour your wife, sister or mom survived breast cancer. 
  • Remember how you had mentors and key friends guide you in your faith.
  • Remember how God sustained you during that season of unemployment.
  • Remember how God miraculously healed you.
  • Remember that impossible prayer request that God answered. 
  • Remember how you had no money and an envelope just showed up in the mail with exactly the amount you needed. 
  • Remember how the gospel cam alive as it never had before. 
  • Remember God. 
The antidote to spiritual amnesia is making every effort to recall and remember God's gracious deliverance. The fact that you -a sinner who was an enemy of God- are now a beloved child is miracle. Don't let that wonder ever fade. Remember.

Let this act of remembering awaken in you joy in God and a deep sense of gratitude that God loves you, knows you, and keeps you."  -Steven Lee

Dear Sister, I don't know what you are facing, but I know you are either facing something, OR soon enough you will be. I don't have the answers for you, but I know the God who does. He has always been faithful - just as He was to me Friday -awakening me to this truth in the planned quiet of that particular morning and then again in the unforeseen chaos of that afternoon.

Make your own list and remember. Remember today. Remember later.


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