Monday, November 30, 2009

Thankful for the "Duh" Moments

Okay, as many of you know, I have stated over and over that I am a blonde and I have many blonde moments. My day is not complete without one of those “duh” moments that all too often signify a blonde. Probably the blonde jokes that circulate are written in my “honor.” So, I guess I should just spill the beans and tell you my latest moment.

Since we could not travel back home for the Thanksgiving holidays, my in-laws, youngest son, and my husband’s aunt came to Tennessee. Since I am not the best cook in the world, I would never attempt to prepare a turkey or the dressing. I mean, why should someone slave like that when you can order a fully cooked turkey and a pan of dressing from the local grocer?

However, I did want to make an impression so I decided to try my hand at sweet potato casserole. Now, I personally cannot stand sweet potatoes. It is a texture thing. Anyway, I go to the store and began the hunt for fresh sweet potatoes. In the meantime my “friend” (I use this term lightly right now) called and I told her what my plans were for T-Day meal. She proceeded to give me her recipe for sweet potato casserole. Well, you can use canned sweet potatoes so why even bother with fresh ones! After I hung up with her I proceed to the can good isle in search of sweet potatoes. Sadly, I failed in my search. I called my friend back and frantically told her that I could not find sweet potatoes. I, like a true, time honored blonde, I asked a simple innocent question (here is where you should sit down and pretend not to laugh), “Are yams the same thing as sweet potatoes?” Now, a true friend would politely say “yes” and wait until she was off the phone before she laughed, but oh no, my friend roared with laughter. I knew then that this “duh” moment in time would go down in blonde history.

Well, I may be blonde, short with boy legs, and talk with a southern accent but I am so thankful that God loves me. He loves my blonde roots, my height and structure, and my accent. I am so thankful that I can confess my daily sins and He forgives them. I am also grateful that I could provide my friend and each of you a bit of laughter because laughter makes life healthier!


Shawna said...

Actually, Yams are different from Sweet Potatoes. Yams are not commonly found here in the States. Check out this website for more info:
BUT, here in the south (TN) we use the term interchangably.

Emily said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has these moments often! But, I figure...might as well give someone else a laugh.