Monday, June 7, 2010

Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord

Two weeks ago, on a quiet Sunday afternoon after a full morning of worship, teaching and preaching, we were skyped by our son and daughter-in-law from the Dominion Republic. For those of you who might not know what skype is a wonderful invention that allows us to not only talk to our kids overseas, but to actually see them!!

Early in the conversation our son asked us if we were still planning on coming to see them in December. You see, we have been talking about spending Christmas with them in the DR and minister alongside them for a few days. "Yes", we said, "we are still working on making that happen." Our son then says, "Well, maybe you should wait until January!"

Of course, my mother's intuition immediately kicked in and I screamed, "You are pregnant!!" And, friends, when I say I screamed, I mean I screamed and screamed and screamed...oohing and aahing and crying. When I get excited and celebrate, I scream. "Blessed be the name of the Lord!!"

A grandbaby....a child from God for Brandon and Nikki....what a blessing...what a gift. Then suddenly, the next day, there was no baby. Life had been given....and seven weeks later, life had been taken away.

When blessings and good news come....our responses are "Blessed be the name of the Lord"!!! And we sing, "How Great Thou Art". We praise the Lord and are full of joy.

But how do we respond when trials and sad news and difficulties come? Do we "curse God and die?" Do we question His love for us? Do we doubt He is able? OR do we still say, "Blessed be the name of the Lord?"

In the sadness and disappointment and tears we stood firm on our Father's love believing that "the Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord."

1 comment:

Tara said...

Oh, Dana . . . I cried both tears of joy and of sadness as I read your blog. I will be praying for your sweet family and trusting God's smiling providence behind these sad days.