Monday, February 28, 2011

Piper's Popsicle

Saturday night, a group of good friends of mine gathered together to spend time with an Army wife who was back in the area visiting her Ft. Campbell friends. We brought our kiddos and our husbands. We were just enjoying each other's company when one of the kids (probably my oldest!) complained of being "huuunnngrryyy." (This is not to be confused with hungry. It is much more severe, or so I've been told.)

My good friend and hostess, Kristi, produced Popsicles with the blessing of the rest of the moms and the kids had at them. These weren't just any Popsicles either! They were long, fat, pretty, tri-color Popsicles. It didn't matter that it was the last weekend in February, everybody wanted one, especially my 23 month-old, Piper.

Piper had yet to be properly introduced to the frozen treat. Once her daddy showed her how to hold it, with the wrapper protecting her fingers, it was truly love at first lick. I really wish I had a picture to show you of what happened next. She became totally absorbed with the eating of this Popsicle. She licked it. She sucked on it. She completely enjoyed every last drop of the rapidly melting treat.

When all the damage was done, I took a wet paper towel to her face and hands. Then I sent her back on her way to play with the other children. But I couldn't help but smile the rest of the evening at her face dripping purple, red and orange streams of melting Popsicle.

I love the way preschoolers totally live in the moment that they are in. They aren't worrying about anything that "needs" to be done. They aren't concerned about what "anyone" may think about the way they do what they do. They aren't even thinking abut what they will do next. They just thoroughly enjoy what they are doing at the moment.

I want to be more like that. I want to savor each blessing from God for what it is. I want to soak up the experiences and the relationships He has given me right now. I long to relish Him the way Piper did that Popsicle. I don't want to miss the little things.

There is no way that I can remember my first Popsicle. But it will be a long time before I forget Piper's. The next morning, I was dressing her for church and found two dried "streams" of Popsicle juice that had managed to flow under her clothes and down to her belly the night before. I had to smile.

Thank you God for the blessings of the little things. Thank you for Popsicles.

What about you? Do you have something "little" that you are grateful for?

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