Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fresh Ideas

My friend, Diana Davis, is Godly, creative, smart, friendly, and honestly I could go on and on about her giftedness (humm...I am pretty sure that is not a word, but you know what it means!!) and abilities. Diana and I first became friends when our husbands were on staff together at Castle Hills First Baptist Church in San Antonio, TX. We reconnected about three years ago when we moved to Indiana where her husband served as the Executive Director for our state. Unfortunately, our crazy schedules do not allow us to get together very often (as I KNOW you all understand) but our paths do cross from time to time.

Diana has written several books and lots of articles on “Fresh Ideas” that our churches can use to reach and serve and minister to people. I love reading them and wanted to share with you some things she recently wrote about how our churches can minister to new parents and their babies. You can also go to www.dianadavis.org for more information.

Below are some of my favorite "Fresh Ideas" for new parent ministries:

Food ministry—there are free scheduling websites like www.mealbaby.com or www.takethemameal.com that make it easy for new moms and dads as well as those wanting to take a meal to simplify the process of having meals provided. Be sure to deliver food in disposable containers!

Nursery Tour—Invite expectant parents to visit the childcare area and meet workers and parents. A wall display can list due dates so church members can pray for expectant parents.

Special Delivery—A nursery volunteer visits expectant parents to answer questions, pray and be a friend. Deliver an information packet of nursery policies, training, security and notification plans. Tell how the church desires to minister to their child from birth through teen years.

Meet the Moms—Invite expectant moms to attend an informal, monthly gathering of moms and their babies at someone’s home.

Special Gift—A church may prepare a special gift for newborns. (I, Dana, LOVE the Jesus Storybook Bible!!)

Rocking Ministry—One church’s senior adult Bible class offers a rocking service. The volunteer simply rocks the baby while the new mom takes a long nap!

New Parent’s Luncheon—A bi-annual luncheon for new and expectant parents can encourage them and help establish friendships with other new parents.

Thanks Diana for these great ideas! What ideas do you all have to add to these??

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