Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It Happened . . .

Ladies, I am so glad you can't see me today. I am thankful that you can't see my house either.

You see it happened. Actually, it happened again. I am just thankful that I can't quite remember the last time it happened.

I have been entirely too busy.

School started with piano, music and ballet lessons. 

The preschool I direct has gotten off to a great start, but I still haven't done August's newsletter and September's is two weeks overdue. 

My husband is teaching a seminary extension class that began last week.

The student ministry is launching a new name and began new Sunday morning curriculum. 

The Pastor Search Committee I serve on has been VERY busy with an out-of-town, overnight trip and six hour + meetings. 

I was honored to participate in a couple of speaking engagements to talk about our great God. 

I looked at the calendar Sunday night and realized that it had been over two weeks since I had had a free evening.

You can just imagine my house. Dust is an inch thick. The floors need vacuuming and mopping. The dishes in the sink are multiplying so quickly I can't keep track if the machine is full of clean or dirty dishes.

None of my commitments were bad or wrong. On paper it should have all been able to work. I just had to be on my "A" game and be REALLY organized. Somehow, don't ask how, I was able to stay on top of my laundry. BUT, that wasn't enough.

God was faithful. Nothing truly important has gone undone. However, He has made me slow down.

My body physically got run down and now I find myself physically sick. He has forced me to stop, be still, and know that He is God.

I am coughing. I have a sore throat. There is this low-grade fever I can't seem to shake. And, at age 36, I have this massive zit on my face. (What is with that?!)

So, I didn't go to work today. (Not because of the zit, but the fever!) They survived without me and did great.

After cancelling the playgroup scheduled for my house tomorrow, my friends have texted their understanding.

Be still Ladies and know He is God, or He will slow you down.

I couldn't seem to clear my schedule, so it happened and God made me do it.

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