Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lessons in the Still

So, here I am in my forced "still."  Being still and knowing He is God.

Thinking back over the last couple of crazy, busy weeks I see some things God is trying to teach me.

These lessons aren't anything new. They are just things that God is patiently reminding me of until they do truly sink into this thick skull of mine.

First, just as I taught to some ladies a week or so ago, apart from Him I can nothing. John 15 is VERY clear. Looking over my post yesterday I can easily see my independence and pride. How many times did I use the pronouns I, me and mine?

Some of the responsibilities I took on, I prayed over. Some I didn't. Most mornings I got up and had a quiet time, but it was more out of routine than necessity. I truly thought I could handle it. I thought I could do it all.

Second, when God calls you to do whatever He calls you to, He will work out all the details. When I finally said, "Okay God, You win," He showed me that I am really not all that important. He raised up others to take care of things. Anything that was really that important, He took care of. I didn't HAVE to.

Ladies, do you hear what  I am saying? If God calls you out of a responsibility, He will make sure it is covered. You don't have to do it all!

My throat is better this morning. However, the NyQuil I took last night has some lingering effects that I haven't been able to shake yet.

Fortunately, God has already provided someone to teach the high school Bible study this evening.

What are some lessons God has taught you in the "still?"

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