Tuesday, October 30, 2012

In the Mist of the Storms.....

Our country is currently in the mist of a storm......Hurricane Sandy, which has been down-graded to Post Tropical Cyclone Sandy.  Everyone is glued to their televisions tracking this very strong storm that is causing power outages, floods, destruction and even snow storms.  I just saw on the news showing entire homes being sucked into the ocean.  The storm is affecting millions of people.  People are worried.  People are praying and people are scared.

But....in the mist of the TERRIBLE SANDY CYCLONE.....our country is facing another storm......the POLITICAL STORM.  We need to really PRAY and seek God's guidance next Tuesday when we cast our vote. The "POLITICAL STORM" promises to be more destructive and more dangerous than even the "SANDY CYCLONE".

Our nation is in trouble.  ONLY GOD....can see us through this.

Please pray for our neighbors on the East Coast and also pray for our Nation and our Political Leaders. 

Also.....Next Tuesday,Please:
  • Cast Your Vote
  • Do Not Vote for the Party
  • Vote With Leadship from God

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