Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Psalm 23 for the Minister's Wife

It is so funny how God can speak to us.  The other day I was preparing to do my quiet time before beginning a very busy day.  You know those days where you list is a mile long and you need a good supply of chocolate for your energy boost.  Anyway, I said a quick prayer and ask the Lord to show me something new, fresh, and to speak to my heart.  I also asked the Lord to bring an idea to mind about which I could share with you.

I opened my devotional guide and the scripture was Psalms 23.  “Okay Lord,” I said aloud, “you know that I know these verses by heart, so what do you want me to learn today?”  Well girlfriends, God just poured out some thoughts regarding ministers’ wives from these six simple verses.  I was in awe and very humbled by what God was speaking to my soul.

Verse 1:  God is all we need.  In this world where people strive for fame and fortune, God is all we truly need.  For example, my husband and I have lived in everything from an old, falling apart mobile home to a beautiful five bedroom home.  We have opened the last can of beans and feasted on it.  Tithing truly is act of faith when you place your last dollar in the offering plate and wonder where you will get the money to put food on the table.  However, God was and is always faithful.  He is our All in All, our Hope, our Shelter.  What more could we ever desire?

Verse 2: He wants us to rest.  I do not know about you but as a minister’s wife I long for time to just sit and rest.  My spirit gets empty, my soul (and body) aches, my mind is weary of ministering to people.  We not only have a church family, but we must care for our families, hold down a secular job, etc.  There are days when I long for a green pasture to walk barefoot in or to lounge by a babbling brook as it sings a lullaby to my soul.  Since I am a beach bum at heart, I find complete rest and relaxation sitting on the white sandy shore of an ocean as the waves wash over my bare feet. 

Verse 3:  If we are in right relationship with the Lord, He will lead us.  Way too many ministers’ wives are holding too many jobs within the church.  We are stealing blessings from someone else plus taking our eyes off the Lord.  I know from personal experience that when no one else would fill a role at church I would attempt to tackle it.  I would not pray about it.  I would simply do it.  Boy, did I mess things up!  Instead of following what God wanted me to do, I did what Vickie wanted to do and ended up in the muddy ditches and thorny bushes. 

Verse 4:  Dark valleys will come.  Ministry is a difficult job.  Sometimes people do not like you.  Sometimes issues arise in churches and can hurt the fellowship.  Sometimes God moves us from one place of ministry to another.  Sometimes we experience illness, death, financial stress, etc.  Many ministers’ wives choose to not be “involved” in their husband’s ministry which can lead to marriage strain.  Some ministers’ wives struggle with depression and loneliness.  We need to remember that God is our Shepherd and He will lead us through these dark valleys if we stay close to Him.  He already knows what lies ahead in the bend of the road or just over the hill.  All He asks of us is to walk by His side and not wander off.  I have discovered that even in the darkest valleys of ministry God’s perfect peace surrounds me if I am focusing on Him.

Verse 5:  The enemies will come.  I think anyone in the ministry has experienced attacks from the Enemy.  Satan and his demons stand waiting for any issue to arise in our lives or the church in order to destroy us.  Often he comes in sheep clothing by way of a church member or he may stand out in the world opposing anything Christian.  I am just wondering how many of you have had a church member come to you to criticize your husband, children, a ministry of the church, or you.  I know I have and even though I know it is the Enemy it still hurts.  We may believe that all is lost but God promises that if we keep our eyes focused on Him that He will lift us up and our cup will overflow with endless blessings. 

Verse 6:  We are pursued!  Even on the loneliest, hardest, darkest days, I know that God is pursuing me.  When I wander way and get caught in the muddy ditch or the thorny bush, He comes looking for me, calling my name.  When I cried out to Him, the Good Shepherd faithfully and lovingly picks me up and brings me safely back to the fold.  

 Psalm 23 is very precious to me because my mother taught these verses to me as a very young child.  It is the first thing I can remember memorizing.  I have read it thousands of times.  However, God revealed Himself in a new light to me this week.  I would love for you to join me in reading again this passage and share how this passage may relate to us as ministers’ wives. 



Sara said...

Thank you for this post!

Autumn said...

I needed this. I really really needed this.