Monday, October 8, 2012

Our Little Blessing

  Since you are my sisters in ministry and we are part of God's big family, I wanted to show you a glimpse of our new family member, Gideon James Lee.  Yes, I became a uh . . . grandmother (I am still having a little trouble saying that) in August.  Oh sisters, this little guy (G-Man) is his Vivi's favorite man now. 
After all the saddness, sleepless nights, illnesses, moves, and weariness of this year, God placed this little boy in our lives.  He already has brought so much joy to our hearts.  My husband and I wait daily for photos to be sent to us via text, email, or Facebook.  Yep, God knew we needed a dose of His goodness in human form so He sent us Gideon.
As a minister's wife it is sometime easy to forget that God cares for us.  Sometimes we feel lost in the world of "doing" church, holding down the homefront, and managing an secular job.  But God has not forgotten us.  He has blessed us in so many ways.  If you are feeling down today, take a moment to pause and think of ways God has blessed you recently.  You can at least put at the top of the list that you have salvation through Jesus Christ.
So girlfriends, get busy making your list.  I want to hear about some of those blessings and I am sure our blog friends do to.
Oh, by the way, Gideon is calling the Louisiana Tech Bulldogs.  It's a family tradition! Oh and yes, I will be introducing G-Man to chocolate in the near future.


Kathy Britton said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Hearing you talk of little Gideon makes me even more anxious to meet our little Cameron in a few weeks. God is so Good!!

Kathy Britton said...

BTW....I got so excited about seeing the picture of Gideon James that I forgot to tell you he is ADORABLE!!!!

Pat said...

Love the picture!!! Enjoy him all you can. Ours are such a blessing! When I'm having a bad day all I have to do is pull out my phone and start looking at pictures and vidoes of them. Can't help but smile!! And,,,we're on baby watch for our first great grandbaby. Should be in the next week or so.