Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Are You Weary?

Minister’s wife, are you weary? Pastor’s wife, are you weary? This question would probably receive a different answer depending perhaps on the season of life you are in as it relates to ministry.

For my sisters who are just starting out, the freshness of being assigned, relocated, or chosen by way of a selection committee, (or however the appointment for your husband comes) brings joy, excitement, and opportunity. First, you experience the joy of a brand new congregation to get to know and love. Secondly, you feel the excitement of being in partnership with your husband as you serve the Lord side by side. Finally, you crave the wonderful opportunity to make an impact in the lives of your church family by praying, encouraging, and just being there in whatever way you are needed. Your general attitude may be, “Yes, Lord, whatever You want me to do, I will do it!” Yet over time that enthusiasm may fade away……..

For my sisters who are the middle of their season of ministry, you have been on the front lines long enough to see that at times the joy and the excitement are not always there. Perhaps you have been hurt by another sister or brother in the church; perhaps you, your husband, or your children have been talked about unmercifully, perhaps you have seen individuals and families leave the church and you took it personally, perhaps you find it hard to relate to the other women in the church because you are the pastor/minister’s wife…….and the list could go on. Also, for those in this season, perhaps there are toooooo many opportunities for service in your church (that you get asked to do), and you just have to say “NO”, just to keep balance (and sanity!) in your life.

Then there are you sisters who have served the Lord (and served Him well) in this role, and now you and your husbands have moved on to other paths of service in His kingdom. Perhaps you are tired and want to be away from being active in ministry for a while. Yet we need many of you to come along side us who are still in ministry, to mentor and teach us and allow us to pour our hearts out to you as we strive to love the Lord and His people in this role. You have a great deal of wisdom to pass along to us who are still in the “trenches”.

Whatever season you are in, you don’t have to be weary. The Lord says in His Word in Galatians 6:9, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

This role was given to us by the Sovereign Lord to serve Him by supporting our husbands and serving His people in our respective churches where He has placed us. May we all consider it a joy to be able to serve in ministry for such a time as this, especially as we consider the awesome sacrifice our Savior gave so that we can be a part of God’s forever family. We all get weary at times, but consider what a difference you can make in the lives of the people you serve, just by being obedient to God’s calling on your life as a pastor or minister’s wife!

Remember Galatians 6:10……. God will reward us as we “hang in there” and faithfully serve Him.

Be encouraged my sisters!

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