Friday, September 5, 2014

Expert Pastor's Wife---Part 2

In my blog earlier this week, I proposed the question, “Is it really possible for someone to be an expert at being a pastor’s wife?”

Of course, there are none of us who are “perfect” in this role, but I believe the wives who are living out this assignment from the Lord in a successful way are prayer warriors for their husbands (which I addressed in my last blog) and they are truly committed to faithfully serving the Lord no matter where they are planted. So how do we faithfully serve where the Lord puts us?

We all received our “calling” in different ways: some knew before the marriage, and some after. Some took the news gladly, others not so much. But God does not make mistakes, and you are a pastor’s wife for such a time as this!

Again, none of us are perfect, but the attitude of our heart can make all the difference in how we live out the role. Here are some things that are very critical: Always rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to make you adequate to support your husband and love on the flock, because our competency and adequacy come from Him and Him alone. We cannot trust in our own abilities apart from His power. (2 Corinthians 3:5). Also, remember that Christ is working in you to be the dutiful pastor’s wife He has called you to be; what He has begun, He will bring to completion. (Philippians 1:6; 2:13) Passionately stay devoted to Jesus, and let nothing or no one get you off course from following after Him. (2 Corinthians 11:3) Finally, in those moments of despair (and we all have had them) and you may feel like giving up, trust that the Lord will guide and reward you for being steadfast as He gives you the strength to continue to serve Him. (1 Corinthians 15:58)

Yes, we all can faithfully serve where we are planted. Never fail to constantly draw near to Christ in your own personal Bible study and prayer time. I have found that reading His Word and “crying on His shoulder” in prayer brings me such a feeling of peace because I know that He hears me.

So, I guess none of us will ever be “expert” pastors’ wives, but we can be faithful pastors’ wives, all to the glory of God!

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