Thursday, September 11, 2014

You are Amazing!

I get so frustrate with ads and commercials today.  Each one seems to tell women of all ages what we should be wearing, what to eat so we have lean, rippled abs, what product to use to keep from getting wrinkles and on and on. 

I get discouraged just watching the ads but when I go to purchase clothing, my frustration goes up a notch.  My body description is this:  short with CURVY hips and football player thighs and calves.  No, designers, I cannot wear “skinny jeans!”  Please do not force my body into a pencil straight skirt or tight shirt!  No designers, I do not wear short skirts or dresses because I have cellulite and veins on my legs.

As for my skin, I am blonde with fair, freckled skin.   Crow’s feet surround my eyes and my inherited my grandmother’s mouth.  I slather lotion and moisturizer on my body but I am dry except for my face and hair which is oily.  (Thankfully, I believe this oily skin somewhat slows the wrinkling process).  Thankfully, we do not need to find our self-assurance in what the marketing world thinks. 

As Christian women, we can look to the Father for our assurance.  Think about it.  YOU ARE AN AMAZING WORK OF ART!  We are individuals created in the image of the Father who adores us.  We come in all sizes, shapes, colors.  We all have unique abilities suited just for us.  As women, we are able to be a mother, a nurse, a friend, a teacher, a taxi driver, a coach, a lover, a maid, a chef, etc.  We excel at multitasking and can often exist on a few hours sleep. 

So sisters, when the world tells you how you should dress and look, don’t be discouraged.  Just flip open The Word to Ephesians 2:10 read how you are His workmanship created to do all He has planned for you to do.  Then repeat, “I AM AMAZING!”

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