Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The VBS Crunch

Our V.B.S. is next week, so this week is my V.B.S. Crunch Week......where I am trying to pull it all together and finalize things.  Need I say.....My house is a wreck.....projects EVERYWHERE.  Oh, well......in two weeks we can get back to normal.

I am looking forward to V.B.S. this year.  I always think I enjoy it more than the kids.  This year, I have two wonderful helps.........I mean, real, honest to goodness helpers.  smile. One of them is also a teacher, so she is teaching and planning two days for me and the other one is cutting out and getting together several of the crafts for us.  We are teaching the two and three year old.

I know....many people think that is the babysitting group.  NOT.  They are VERY teachable.  Sometimes I think they are the most teachable of church because they are so eager.  That age group has always been my passion because I fill like they get neglected so many times.

Three years ago, FINALLY, I had someone that volunteered to direct V.B.S.  And FINALLY, I was able to teach these precious toddlers.  That year, my daughter-in-law was able to help me and just this weekend she posted a picture from that V.B.S.  It was bitter sweet.......because all of those babies have moved up to an older group.

This year, in our small country church, we have 9 two and three year old of our own and it will be interesting to see how many visitors we have.

I also teach the preschoolers (2 years old to before Kindergarten) on Wednesday nights and Sundays...................so with this being Father's Day weekend also, all I can say is thank goodness for Pinterest!!!

I hope you have a very blessed week!

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