Thursday, June 26, 2008

I Need Your Advice . . .

In the last six or so weeks, we have:
  • moved houses
  • celebrated my daughter's 5th birthday
  • finished pre-school
  • celebrated my husband's seminary graduation
  • had VBS
  • visited family in Ohio twice
  • visited my mother-in-law in the hospital
  • had three dance recital performances
  • vacationed in Florida
To say the least, things have been insanely crazy. We Vinsons like to do (or try to do) everything at the same time. So now, I am looking at July's calendar and I am awe struck and asking God just what is He doing . . . .

There is hardly anything on it . . .  I can handle being busy. I am used to it. It forces me to be organized and on top of things. But, a blank calendar is a little scary and intimidating to me. It is when I have too much time on my hands that little things fall through the cracks and sin is even more tempting to me than before. 

Yes, there are still things to be done. Don't get me wrong. Having just moved in, there are boxes to unpack, a hallway to paint, pictures to be hung and weeds to be pulled. But none of these things have a real deadline, and my motivation for their completion is slim to none. On top of that, I need to have a yard sale and I can assure you that there is no motivation at all for that undertaking right now. 

In addition, this is my last summer before my daughter starts kindergarten. There are so many things that I want to do with her. But I know myself. Without structure or routine or a plan, none of those things will take place.

So here is where I need your input and sage advice . . .  Where do I begin? What do I do first? I don't want to waste the month ahead, if God so ordains to give it me. What are your summer plans? 

I realize that if your husband is a student minister or in charge of children's ministry events, your summer is not your own. Ladies, how can we encourage these ministers' wives to make summer special for their families while working around the church's calendar?

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