Monday, January 12, 2009

Sinking Spell

The time of parties, relatives, baking, gifts has passed. The Christmas season has come and gone again. How are you feeling? Are you relieved, tired, let down, depressed?

Sometimes after an event, speaking, retreat, banquet, company, holiday, vacation, etc. I find myself having what I call a 'sinking spell'. All the work and preparation is over. It doesn't seem to matter if everything went perfectly or it was a complete flop, I still experience that 'sinking spell' feeling.

As you begin this new year, I ask you to join me in remembering our First Love. Jesus is still here - He has not completed His work in and through you and me. He is the only - One and Only- that can give you direction, energy and excitement for this new year. We know that "the joy of the Lord is our strength." Do you need strength to come out of that sinking spell?

When Peter began to sink into those waves, he only had to look at Jesus. Jesus took his hand and lifted him right out of that 'sinking spell'.

I want to encourage you to stop before this year runs away with you and ask you to run away with Jesus. He has everyday of this new year planned perfectly. Ask Him for His plans and begin praising Him for His love. You will be amazed at how fast you come up out of those waves. Call on His Name and take His hand - allow Jesus to restore your strength and the joy of your salvation.

Happy new year, sweet sisters - I am so excited about our journey with Jesus!

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