Friday, May 8, 2009


Hi Ladies

My electricity just came back on and I thought I better get this going before the next storm hits. The weather this time of year is unpredictable and reminds me of my life.

I know each of you has experienced your share of storms. In ministry it seems they come in waves. Yet, just as God is in control of the creation, He is also in control of the storms that come into our lives.

I have much to do today. My mother is coming for the weekend, there is grocery shopping and laundry to be done, beds to be changed. After spending some time in God's word, my feet hit the ground running.

Then...the lights went out - everything stopped - washing machine, dish washer, even my garage door would not work, there was nothing I could do.

As I sat in the dark den this morning watching the trees dance and the rain come down, I was in awe at the power of our God. The thunder was deafening, the lightning ferocious and the wind so strong that the largest trees in the yard were bending as though they were toothpicks.

I sat and began to praise my God for His power and majesty. We fellowshiped, loved each other and talked. What a sweet time in the middle of a storm.

Well, the lights are back and my feet are on the ground again, but I am so grateful for the time God demanded of me this morning by stopping me in my tracks. Take some time today to talk to Him about the storms you are in or facing. He already knows, but loves to have time with you.

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