Saturday, March 20, 2010

Childlike Need

Recently, I heard a pod cast that totally transformed the way I view childlike faith. I always assumed that kind of faith was up to me. I needed to believe the way a child did. Afterwards, I realize that kind of faith is more of childlike need.

My baby, Piper, cannot do a thing for herself. She NEEDS me to do everything for her. I feed her. I change her. I dress her. I even put her to sleep because there are times she is so tired that she can't figure out how. She needs me desperately. She cannot survive without me.

This is what a childlike faith is. It is a realization of our desperate, extreme need for our Heavenly Father. According to Romans 8:15, we've been made His children and we CRY "Abba." Another preacher recently pointed out that "abba" is easy for a baby to say, much like Piper says "Dada." A baby cries to communicate. They have no other way to make their needs known.

Is this how you relate to God? Do you know this kind of need? Remember that any faith we have is a gift of grace from God. He is happy to give us good gifts. Ask Him for this kind of faith and let Him hold you. Let Him take care of you. Let Him be your "Abba."

In case you were interested, the podcast I listen regularly to is from Matt Chandler at the Village Church out of Denton, TX. The other preacher I was privileged to hear recently was Dr. Russell Moore of Southern Seminary and Highview Baptist in Louisville. I highly recommend both if you are looking for a preacher other than your husband to listen to! ;)

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