Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Our Witness

Does Your Life Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

I mentioned in my previous blogs that “the children” are one of my passions. Not only is it important to begin teaching them at a very early age, it is very important for us to sit back and listen to them. I teach sixth graders in a public school system. Before Thanksgiving, I had the students type me a paper on what they were thankful for and why. I got some very interesting responses.

Some of the students said they were thankful for their friends, their house, food, video games, television, and all of their “stuff”. Others were a little more personal saying they were thankful for their family, their siblings, etc.

Several students wrote that they were thankful for their church and for God. One girl’s paper really caught my attention. She wrote that she was thankful for paper because she loved to draw. She was thankful for books because she enjoyed reading…….and the list went on. Then she wrote, “I’m thankful for church because without it no one would know about God and we would die lost. To tell you the truth I’m pretty much thankful for everything, from indoor plumbing to dirt. But what I’m most thankful for is God! Without him I wouldn’t even be breathing right now. He loves us so much that he sent his only begotten son to die for us on the cross. He wants to save a lost and dying world and all we have to do is come to him and ask for forgiveness. The Bible says he is faithful and just to forgive us. So if you’re not saved you need to make that decision today. If you are saved you should be out there witnessing and helping them make that decision today. Would you send your son to the cross to die for the whole world? I know that I wouldn’t be able to, but you know what God was that loving! God loves us even more than you can imagine. That’s why I’m thankful for him.”

What an awesome testimony and what a “grounded” sixth grader! This paper was written less than a month from when our county’s high school was all in the news because we were being challenged by a Wisconsin based organization; the Freedom from Religion Foundation, for praying over the intercom at high school football games.

They may try to take God and prayer out of the schools, but as long as Christians are there, they can not completely stop it!

Now….. If we as adults would just sit back…look at the young folks and take some lessons from them and get just as bold in our witness for Him, what a REVIVAL we would have in Tennessee!

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