Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Welcoming a New Sister

Chocolate covered raisins, Peanut M & Ms and a Diet Coke. That is what my dear friend, Michele, asked me to bring a couple of weeks ago when I traveled to Arkansas for her daughter’s wedding. You may laugh at the requested but the combination of the three screamed, “I need your presence here to provide support, laughter, and share in my joy.” So as any good girlfriend would do, I placed the items in a gift bag along with a package of tissue and a pack of gum, and headed west. I would have attended the wedding without the request from my friend because her daughter, Jennifer, was marrying the love of her life and entering our very unique world.

Jennifer is now one of us. She is in the sisterhood of minister wives. Her life will be an open book for all to see and unfortunately at times to criticize. Jennifer is fortunate in that her mother-in-law is a pastor’s wife and can be a support and encouragement to her. However, since I have watched Jennifer grow into a beautiful young woman, I was able to share a special few minutes giving “Aunt Vickie” advice.

*Realize you are God’s child first and spend time with Him daily.
*You are Taylor’s wife second so take care of him.
*Take care of yourself. Find time to rest, to renew, and to restore.
*Serve your church, but be willing to say no so you do not overload yourself.
*Laugh and laugh a lot!
*Be real. Let your church family see your family as real people.
*Although you want to save the world, realize that many lost people do not want to be saved.
*Realize that ministry is not always going to be pretty. Sometimes you have to go through valleys filled with mud and muck to grow on the mountaintops.
*Find a support group of ministers wives who walk on the same path as you.
*Do not be afraid to have a best friend (her mom, Michele, has been my best friend for years and she is not a ministers wife!)
*If your nerves get frazzled, try Peanut M & Ms. They are less expensive than Prozac.
*And again . . . laugh a lot.

So ladies, what advice would you give a new sister to the ministry? Jennifer will be reading this blog so I hope that you will not be afraid to post some comments for her to read.

Be Blessed!


Pat said...

Welcome to the sisterhood, Jennifer! Vickie has already given you great advice, but I just add "Be yourself". Don't try to be what you think others might want you to be. God made you to be "you", not anyone else! Praying for you.

Marcia said...

I would give the same advice as Pat "Be yourself". This is something I realized early on as a minister's wife. I have to be who God made me to be whether that is who a given church is looking for or not. If He has lead us there, that is where we will fit. Sometimes it may not be easy, but remember, He brought us to where we are for "Such a time as this" in every adventure He places in front of us.