Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Random Writings and Responses

Our church is a crazy place to be right now.

We have multiple staff positions vacant and several being filled by an interim. One of these open positions is that of Senior Pastor.

If you have read this blog for awhile, you may remember my prayer request of having an unusual appointment for a minister's wife, a position on the Pastor Search Committee.

The role has been educational and humbling. The process is indeed time consuming and, at times, tedious. I have read over 300 resumes and have lost track of how many hours we have logged in meetings and in prayer.

Unlike any of the other 14 members of our committee, I have direct life experience with being on the other side of this process.

I know the prayers of these families that are represented on each page of every resume. I have searched the Internet to try to learn more about a potential new home for my family- houses, schools, local points of interest and just how far the place is from our extended family. I have waited and waited and waited to hear from a committee for ANY word on their potential direction from God regarding my husband and their church. I have known the seeking of the Spirit's peace and personal acceptance for whatever the Lord may have in store for us.

Now, in the middle of this process, I know the pressure and the heavy weight of being on a committee such as this. Every committee at every church is different, but as Christians seeking God's will for our beloved church families, I am constantly in prayer knowing that the results of our work will have an eternal impact on so many. Like many other decisions in my life I am wanting God to audibly speak so we will know that we are headed in the right direction. We are praying for clean hands and pure hearts as individuals on the committee and for unity in the Spirit as an entire group.

I am in a VERY unique position.

Are you in a position of waiting on the Lord's leading regarding your husband's church employment? If you could address the committee considering your man, what would you tell them? What would you want them to know? What would you want to know from them?

I would be happy to pass on your feelings and insights to our committee.

And while I cannot speak for any other committee of our church or any other, I would be happy to respond to any questions or concerns you may have regarding the process we Southern Baptists tend to take in the searching and hiring of new staff members.

Again, I covet your prayers and want you to know that those of you who are seeking God's future ministry for your family, are most definitely in mine.  My picture and name have been in the upper right hand corner of a page or so document that was supposed to represent a long journey with our Lord too.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Praying for you as you travel this journey. I know God has His hand on you and has purpose in having you in this position.