Wednesday, June 13, 2012

It's Okay to Ask

Last week I spent a little time on the phone with another minister's wife from another state. My husband performed the wedding for this young mom of two boys. We've known her since she was apart of the youth ministry that we served when we were first married nearly 14 years ago.

Her husband is "talking" with another church and she is being forced to face a cross country move to follow her husband and God to another ministry position. Moving is nothing new to this friend. She has a strong faith of her own and can speak articulately on how God has provided for her over the years.

Yet, as she shared her heart with me over the phone, I quickly realized that she was having her own crisis of faith. No, she wasn't doubting her salvation. She was just very aware that God was removing all the security she had placed in what she knew. She had become very comfortable in their church, their house and especially in their relationships, in particular a very special friendship.

Perhaps for the first time ever, she had developed a relationship with a true, best, girlfriend. The thought of losing or altering that relationship at all truly scared her. She was blinded to how this fear was negatively affecting her faith.

Gently, I pointed this out to her and spoke of God's faithfulness to me. In every ministry position my husband has served, God has been faithful to provide me with a really good girlfriend. Even when we spent the longest 9 months of our married life at one church, God gave me Ashlee. I reminded my friend that God knew our needs and would provide for them. I also told her that it was okay to ask God to take care of those needs.

Somehow when we focus on God's holiness and providence it is easy to forget that He wants us to come to Him with our problems and our needs. Often I fear God's rejection. What if He doesn't answer a prayer the way I want Him to? Where is my faith?

That is what I ask God for most often, faith. But I tell you, I know that is kinda like asking God for patience. He WILL give you opportunities to use it if you ask Him for it.

It's okay to ask. Prepare yourself, because He will answer.

What are you asking God for today?

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