Friday, January 17, 2014

Difference Between Religious and Godly

I cannot get the words of 2 Timothy 3 out of my mind!  The fact that women can be religious but reject the power to be Godly because we can be (1) burdened with the guilt of sin, (2) controlled by many desires and (3) always learning but never understanding the truth plays over and over in my mind.

I am not sure which one causes me the most concern…1, 2 or 3.  And, to be honest, I find myself struggling with all three.  At first, I confess I thought surely Paul wasn’t talking about me….that he was talking about ‘other’ women.  After all, I am not ‘religious’….I am Godly.  Aren't I? 

What is the difference between being religious and being Godly?  How would you answer that question?  What does it look like?  I really, really, REALLY would LOVE your feedback on that!!

Another reason this is heavy on my mind/heart is because this week in our ladies bible study someone asked the question, ”What is the purpose of life… life?”  We are studying Ecclesiastes where over and over we read how meaningless life, in light of the fact that our life is just a vapor, someone asked it!  Great question!!  Deep question!  Yes!!  Could not wait to talk about it!! 
Most of the time I will allow the group to answer questions that come up before I do….so I waited in anticipation to hear their Godly, Biblical responses!!  After all….this was the cream of the crop!!  The ladies who come to Bible studies….faithfully.  Year after year.  They studied the Word.  I have taught them the Word for years now.  so…come on ladies….”what is the purpose of your life?”

Silence.  Nothing.  Notta.   What?  Really?  No one knows?  The words of Paul rang in my heart…."they will always be learning but not understand the truth."  Guess what their assignment for next week is???  FIND OUT!!  Find out what the Word says the purpose of life is.  Not what you think it is, but what God says it is.

How would you answer that question?  How would the women in your bible studies answer that question?  Why were my ladies silent?  Did they know but just didn’t know what to say?  Oh Father, I ask that You would raise up women who are Godly….not religious!  Who are free from sin—not burdened down with it.  Women who are controlled by the Holy Spirit not by our many desires and that women would always be learning and understanding Truth!!  In Jesus’ name…amen!!!

(Please don't forget to share with me the difference between being religious and being Godly....I'd really appreciate your insight.)

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