Monday, January 6, 2014

Note to Self

With the New Year here, I have resolved that I will not make any New Year resolutions.  Why do you ask?  Well, I always fail to end the year with having completed the resolutions.  That’s right girlfriends.  I am a failure-at dieting, exercise, doing random acts of kindness, being the best friend anyone has ever had, being an organized person (that will never happen), etc.  Oh I have great intentions but alas I rarely succeed.  Since I am always making notes on Post It Notes (thank goodness for these little jewels), I am making “Notes to Self” this year. 


Christmas cookies and chocolate are yummy.  Boot Camp at 6 a.m. is bad for your health if you eat all the Christmas cookies and chocolate.

The statement above is a remark I made to myself regarding my overindulging during the month of December.  I tried hard to avoid putting too much on my plate or nibbling while I cooked.  However, for a couple of days I just completely failed and now I am paying for it.

Ministry is tough yet we must keep going forward.

Ministry is just hard.  You trudge along trying to follow where God is leading you and your church only to have someone stand in the way with their agenda.  Jesus faced  people who tried to stop His purpose on earth.  Even today there are still people attempting to stop the spread of Christianity.  Oh but sisters, the battle in the past, present,  and in the future is in vain.  Stay focused because God wins!

Let God know how thankful you are daily.

 Everyday God gives you is a gift to serve him.  Take time to express in a prayer, a journal, or just voice it while you take a walk how thankful you are for allowing you to exist at this place and time in history.  God does have a purpose for us to accomplish each day He gives us.

 These are just a few of my “Notes to Self.”  They are not resolutions at which I will fail.  Instead, these are just reminders for me personally.  So girlfriends, what are your “Notes to Self?”






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