Monday, January 27, 2014

The Schedule CHANGED

As I write this blog, I am sitting here thinking........just last Thursday, I thought I might get to share pictures of our granddaughter this week, but I guess that is not in the plan.  AND....if she is not ready, I am perfectly content to wait and give her time.  Mom has been having lots of contractions and the doctor wanted her to go to the hospital Thursday so they could check her.  She was 37 1/2 weeks.  Strong contractions....but false labor.  Friday, they even changed moved her due date, so now it looks like it could be closer to Valentines Day.

Initially, I was disappointed because we have been thinking for months that IF she did not make an early appearance, they would take her no later than February 3rd.  Her scheduled C-section is now February 13th, which is ten days longer than we expected.  I know....with most things, ten days is no biggie, but when you have waited and seems like an eternity, especially since Mom is very big and miserable. I said earlier, if she is not ready, we want her to stay safe inside Mom.

Please pray for Mom and baby Kinley Grace.  Pray for a healthy next few weeks and a healthy delivery and healthy baby girl. 

You know, we women many times get caught up with schedules.  I know I do.  I like to PLAN out and MAP out EVERYTHING I do not like surprises.  That is why this change of plans threw me off at first.  I also might mention that I do not like CHANGE.

However, being in the ministry, I have had to LEARN to go with the flow because it seems as if NOTHING goes as scheduled.  Someone always gets sick......dies......or really, really needs us and THE SCHEDULE has to be changed. 

We went to Alabama to visit with out families during Thanksgiving.  Thank goodness we made it through the Thanksgiving Meal on Thursday and we also made it through the Thanksgiving Meal on Friday.  (We have to see both two days.)  However, while we were sitting around enjoying the fellowship Friday, Roger got THE CALL.  It was from Hospice telling him that one of our church members had been taken to the hospital by ambulance and the family NEEDED us because he probably only had a few hours before death.  We shortened our visit and headed back to Tennessee.

I say all of this to a minister's home, schedules have to be made so we know which way we are going, BUT, many times they are broken.  We must e flexible and go with the flow.  Until you learn to be flexible, change will tear you apart.  This is an area I really have to pray about.  Do you get "caught up with a schedule?"

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