Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Best Friends

David and Jonathan were best friends. There are things we can learn about having a best friend by looking at the relationship between David and Jonathan.

Loyalty - Jonathan was loyal to David. He could be trusted.

It is important that we are able to trust our friends. We need to know that our friend understands the importance of 'confidentiality'. Before you begin to share your inner most thoughts with a friend, be sure of their loyalty to you. I have heard many stories of hurt and disappointment from minister's wives who have been betrayed. Be wise in your choice of a friend. Be a loyal friend yourself.

Spiritual Growth - Jonathan helped David find strength in God. In I Samuel 23:16 we read, "Then Jonathan, Saul's son, arose and went to David in the woods and strengthened his hand in God."

A friend that challenges you spiritually is a treasure. Through the years, God has brought women in my life that forced me to grow, challenged me to grow and gave me the desire to grow in my walk with Christ.

Do you draw your friends to God? Do they draw you to God?

Accountability - I used to walk with a sweet lady in the mornings. I enjoyed our walks and they went quickly because we talked the entire time! One morning after I returned home my husband looked at me and said, "You walked with -----today, didn't you?" I replied that I had and asked why he made that comment.

He then proceeded to tell me that he could always tell when we were together because I would come home with a negative attitude and full of gossip! Yikes! That hurt! I wanted to defend myself and my friend, but as I thought about it and prayed about it, I knew he was right. This friendship was going in the wrong direction.

Is your best friend bringing out the best in you? Does she excuse sin in your life when you confess or encourage you to repent?

Love -Jonathan and David had a love for each other that brought out the best in each of them.
In Proverbs we read "A friend loves at all times." We need that kind of friend.

As we draw close to each other it is inevitable that we will disagree, let each other down or even make each other angry. This is a true test in friendship. Are you quick to forgive? Is your friend quick to forgive? Can you make a mistake and know your friend will be there to forgive, pick you up and move forward?

There are many things we would all like to have in a best friend. I ask God to make me what I need to be in my friends' lives and He brings me the perfect friends at the perfect time.

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