Friday, September 19, 2008


Do you ever feel like life is interrupted constantly? As a minister's wife, it seems like no matter what you plan - someone or something interrupts it. I am just now beginning to understand though that sometimes that's the way the Lord works!!!!

I was sitting in a meeting last week, in this crazy back brace, feeling like the Hunchback of Notre Dame (or maybe a linebacker for the NFL) when someone quoted Henry Blackaby from "Experiencing God". Our church had gone through that study years ago, but somehow I missed this. He said "God has the right to interrupt our life!" I put down my pen and actually laughed outloud. How true is that???

At this particular moment - my regular life has DEFINITELY been interrupted. This has forced me to be still and allow the Lord to do some cleaning in my life.

For now, I will try to be patient as my back heals. But my prayer is that when life returns to "normal" I will look at these interruptions as divine appointments from the Lord. Maybe that way, God can just whisper to me without having to get my attention in someother way:)

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