Monday, September 8, 2008

Don't Give up the Race!!

A couple of years ago I was in Carlsbad California visiting my parents and noticed that there were signs on many of the streets around where they live explaining that the roads would be closed for the Carlsbad marathon.

I was intrigued. I had always wanted to participate in a marathon. I have friends who run… who train hard for months and months building up for the big race. I read where it takes at least 6 months to train for a 4 ½ hour race! Now, you have to understand something about me….my philosophy on exercise has always been that if I should ever get in the mood to work out, I lay down on the couch until I get over it!!

Well, the morning of the race, I decided I would participate!! I threw on my sweat pants and sweat shirt….drove as close as I could to where I needed to be (so I would not have to walk too far) and parked my car. Straight ahead of me was Starbucks!! It was calling my name!! Distracted from the race, I went into Starbucks and bought a tall mocha frappacino light and a fat free blueberry muffin. So, with my Starbuck’s purchases in hand, I walked the seemingly long distance from the shopping center, over the bridge that covers the I-5 and down to Pacific Coast Highway. Once finally there, I plopped down on the curb, sipped my frappacino, ate my blueberry muffin and "participated" in the Carlsbad marathon! Never running--never walking--just being a spectator!!

You see…that is how many of us participate in this amazing life God has given us…we sit on the sidelines of life not wanting to get sweaty…not wanting to work at running well because the training is too difficult or we don’t have time or it hurts too much or whatever…and so we become content to be a bystander watching the race rather then running the race and missing out on all God has for us. And we are content with that!

Hebrews 12:1-2 says, "Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, by fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith..."

Sisters, we are in the race of a lifetime!! The ultimate 'amazing race'!!

Don't give up the race!! Don't give up on pursuing God, on living a life of faith. Don't give up on that relationship, that ministry, that job, that wayward child. What is it that you are tempted to give up on? Does God want you to stop or are you being led away by the enemy?

This race of faith is not a sprint or a 100 yard is a marathon. It does not require agility or speed....but it does take perseverance. Run hard sisters!! Don't give up!! There is much at stake!!

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