Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Running Away From Home

A few weeks ago I needed to return to our house to pick up some study materials, files, books, etc. that I needed to prepare to speak and teach. I needed to check on the house to be sure it was still in ship-shape for the house hunters. I had many good reasons to go.....but honestly, in hindsight, I think I was running away from home!!

Have you ever done that? Run away from home? I have a couple of times. One time I got in the car and drove for about two hours….not really going anywhere. I prayed, cried, cried out, prayed, complained to God and returned home exhausted, yet cleansed.

This last time I had a destination—our old house. I had a purpose—to gather some much needed and much missed “things”. God had another purpose. He desperately needed to teach me something very, very important. My VALUE must come from God and God alone.

Some of you might have read one of my blogs where I shared I had no joy after a move to a new church. How I discovered my joy was coming from my job, my friends, my house, my ministry, my church, my ‘stuff’, etc. instead of my joy coming from my relationship with God and how thankful I was that this move was different. My joy was intact. However…..

What God needed to show me was that I was getting my VALUE from my job, my ministry, my friends, my church, etc. instead of believing that I am valuable because I am His. My poor husband was just not saying the right things….doing the right things….to make me "feel" valued. It is not his job!!! God does that.

So, I left home feeling unvalued and returned home knowing I am of VALUE. What a precious thing! I never want to lose my joy because it is misplaced or my VALUE because of where I am trying to find it.

You, my friend, are of VALUE!!!

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