Thursday, February 24, 2011


I am at the San Diego airport waiting to board my plane to return home after visiting my dad for two weeks. I felt compelled to come see him for several months now…and finally “bit the dollar bullet” and came. Each time I visit here I realize how my life with my husband and children is so very different from the life I had growing up.

My conversations at home with friends and family almost always center around faith and God and walking with Him. I love to spend time in the Word and praying and studying and sharing and encouraging.

These past two weeks it seems as if I have done little of the above. I am dry, parched, thirsty. I went to church (alone) the two Sundays I was here….and loved worshipping with other believers….but no one talked to me. No one asked how they might pray for me….and I did not ask anyone to. I am frustrated with myself for not spending time in the Word….at the feet of Jesus. I did not have a Bible study to lead. No Sunday school class to teach. But I needed to be reading the Word. Fed. Watered. Eaten of the Bread of Life.

Do you ever struggle with not being in the Word? Do you understand my frustration and concern? Why did I not sit at his feet? I had the time. How wrong it is for us to be in the Word because we are teaching or leading. We need to be in the Word to live!

Scripture talks about a time when there was a “famine of the word of the Lord” and I believe I have experienced this famine these past two weeks. Forgive me, sister, for neglecting to be in the Word.

Father, I pray for anyone who has struggled like I have these past two weeks. Thank You for continuing to pursue us. For continuing to love us. For wanting to spend time with us. Forgive me, Lord, for neglecting Your Word. I long to drink deeply. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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