Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Still Learning!

Okay Gals, I thought my confession time from yesterday's post was over and done with.


I have another confession to make. No, I haven't had another slip of the tongue today, just some additional reflection over last night's events.

You see, I think I have gotten -as my momma used to say, "a little big for my britches." I had read Dana's posts from last week and patted myself on the back, thinking to myself that I am not struggling with those feelings right now. I had received some good reviews on some material I had recently written and my cup was filled to the brim with encouragement from unexpected sources. In short, it had all "gone to my head."

My slip of the tongue revealed a lot more sin in my life than I had allowed myself to realize was there. It is the sin of self-righteousness and it is U-G-L-Y!

I am guilty of playing this game where I judge myself against others who seem to have greater sins than I do. My indiscretion is really not a big deal if I compare myself to "those" people. I just conveniently forget that God sees all sin the same and that there are other people in my life I know to be "better" than me. (Do you ever do this?) Unfortunately, it was really easy to slip into. So easy, in fact, that I hadn't even realized that I had done it!

So tonight, I am eating some humble pie and relishing in our God who loves me enough to show me my weaknesses. I am thankful that God used a little four-letter word to remind me how much I need Him.

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