Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Forget About Seeking God's Will for Your Life

I read the words in the title of this blog in the book, "Forgotten God" by Frances Chan. That statement definitely caught my attention.

As I have journeyed with the Lord these past 50 or so years, I have often asked God what He wanted me to do. As a pastor's wife, the church had many ideas for God's will in my life. Many times I just let them lead me along and sometimes fell flat on my face trying to please them.

I don't think it is wrong to listen to ideas from friends and church members, it is good to hear about needs and places to serve, but God definitely has a plan and we will only suceed when we are in the middle of His plan. If that is true, how do we know His plan, particularly if I just told you to stop seeking His will for your life.

We have God's Word, Godly people, prayer, circumstances and God living in us (Holy Spirit)to give us direction. Yet as you study His Word, you will find, that He called people to go without much detail.

Abraham packed his bags and began to walk - he had no idea where. Noah built a boat when he had never seen a flood or even rain. Peter went to a deserted road to wait for someone for some reason.

The list goes on and I believe each example is there to remind us we are to walk in faith, guided by the Holy Spirit.

I recommend this book, "Forgotten God". He teaches us to seek the Spirit's leading in our life not God's will for my life. Is there a difference? Yes, we will never make a mistake when the Spirit is leading because His job is to reveal the Father's will to us. When I am personally seeking God's will ( on my own), it is easy to rationalize, compromise, people please or even disobey.

The Holy Spirit will never lead you contrary to God's will. Begin to ask Him to lead you today.

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