Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summertime Fun

Summertime!  After the cold winter we had, we are all ready for warmer weather and to be outdoors.  Aren’t you glad God blessed the south with all four seasons?


Here’s a thought.  What summertime childhood memories flood your mind?  Did you chase and capture lightning bugs in a Mason jar?  Did you play Hide and Seek in the dark?  Did you spread a blanket in the grass at dusk and watch the stars emerge in the night sky?  Did you splash in the water sprinkler on a steamy hot day? 


As this summer begins, take time to create memories for your children or grandchildren.  They grow up so fast.  Set aside a day or night a week and have some quality family time.  Chase lightening bugs, count the stars, splash in the water sprinkler, etc.  At the end of that day, remember to thank God for your precious family.


Oh and by the way ladies, not one thing listed cost a dime.  They simply require for time and energy. 
So what are some fun, free summer activities are you doing this year?



1 comment:

Sara said...

I was thinking the other day about when I was a little girl and our family and I mean all of us (parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and back a few generations) would sit around in the evenings and play music. My great uncle would bring a guitar and we would sing for hours. I can only imagine what would happen if we tried that in my neighborhood today. I miss those simple and slow times.