Tuesday, May 17, 2016


This time of year is jammed pack with lots of school related activities: exams, end of the year parties and celebrations, trips, proms, promotions, and ending in greatly anticipated graduation ceremonies!

In the midst of this frenzy of activity, students and parents have different reflections at year end. For the student, relief from months or years of studying, homework, tests, and putting up with teachers (some they like and some they don’t); yet also sadness from saying goodbye to friends and teammates, the “fun” extracurricular activities such as clubs and sports, and also, having to leave those teachers and administrators that really made a positive impact on their lives.

For the parents, there is relief from making sure everyone gets out of the house on time, packing lunches, helping with homework, listening to kids whine about all the homework and all the tests, having to meet with teachers, (again, some you like, some you don’t), running here and there from dance class to sports practice to games to PTA meetings, etc. Also, for parents, there is a sense of sadness as, year after year, they watch their precious children get a little closer to young adulthood, to someday having them “leave the nest” for good. It all goes by in a flash; it’s hard to believe that my youngest daughter will be a sophomore in high school next year, and in three more years there is graduation and college. Where does the time go?

By the time you read this blog, I will have already been to two graduations, and invited to others that I will not be able to attend because of scheduling conflicts. But end of year activities such as these cause me to reflect, on the past with its joys and sorrows, and also on the future, anticipating what is to come.

Reflections are good as we ponder the things and events of the past. As I reflect, it can also lead to meditation. And meditation can lead to getting God’s perspective on the various situations in our lives.

This past Sunday, my husband preached a message on meditating on the Lord, His Word, His creation, and His wonders. It makes you think: How often do we really stop and think about the awesomeness and vastness of our God, truly reflecting on who His is and how He intricately oversees all the events of our lives to the most minute detail, even knowing the number of hairs on our head! What a marvelous thought that we have a Savior who cares so deeply about us and loves us so passionately that He gave up His very life so that we could come to know Him and have intimate fellowship with Him throughout all eternity!

We will never plumb the depths of all that God is, but it’s good to stop and think about what a great Father we have, what a loving Savior we serve.

So as we get a little reflective at this time of year, as we see our kids, family, and friends transition from one season of life to another, may we use this time as a reminder to reflect on the One who….”is before all things, and in HIM [emphasis mine] all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17.

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