Monday, August 18, 2008

Everyday Miracles

Since my last turn to blog, our family has learned some really exciting news . . .  We are expecting a fourth member to our little family! I am nine weeks pregnant!

With our little girl having turned the ripe old age of five and starting kindergarten, I am dealing with all the fun of the first trimester and I can definitely say that this pregnancy is nothing like my first. Everyone has a tip or two on how to deal with the nausea and the fatigue. So far, I am open to anything, but nothing is working .  .  . Do you have any ideas? Please post them, I would be happy to try them!

Our little girl was born in Kentucky and most of the doctors there only do one ultrasound at about 20 weeks. Well, here in Clarksville, the doctors do one at about 8 weeks to check the due date and "see" the baby's heart rate. So last week we got our first look at Baby Vinson. At just 8 weeks, we could see the little developing arms, legs and heart beating. My husband asked the technician  just how big the image we were seeing on the screen actually was. She raised her fingers about an inch or so apart and said, "Oh, about this big." Totally amazed, we left the doctor's office with a small stack of ultrasound photos and a dvd of our first glimpse of the amazing miracle that God is knitting together inside of me.

Here God IS doing an amazing thing right inside of me, and I seemed to be taking it for granted. I mean women become pregnant and have babies everyday. It can seem like such an ordinary thing, yet life is precious. It is truly a gift, an amazing miracle. God is at work all around us, through us and in us . . . . and we take it for granted? I definitely needed the change of the perspective. Now, when I can't seem to do anything but run to the bathroom, I remember the image of the little, tiny baby on that screen squirming around inside of me. Just because I can't feel it, or see the change in my body yet  . . . baby is still there. God is still moving and working inside of me.

It makes me wonder what other areas of my life I have missed where God is actively working or at the very least taken His presence there for granted. What about you? Would you be willing to share an everyday miracle with the rest of us so we won't miss it?

1 comment:

Lana said...

Tara, congratulations! Since I've never been pregnant I can't offer any advice, but I hear "this too shall pass!"