Monday, August 9, 2010

Balancing Act

In my blonde reasoning brain Diet Coke balances the chocolate chip cookies in my diet. It simply eliminates the caloric intake and removes some of the guilt of eating more than one cookie. I did not say it was true but this type of reasoning works just fine for this chocoholic.

In our ministry families we often bring different spiritual gifts that are perfectly balanced into our homes and churches. For instances, Ricky, my husband, possesses the spiritual gifts of prophesy and leadership. There is very little mercy or helps in his profile. I, on the other hand, score highest in service, giving, and mercy. Now you throw our two sons into the mix and the dynamics change. Our eldest son also has the gifts of prophesy and leadership while the other son is strongest in exhortation. While two people are discussing the issue at hand, the other is providing the encouragement. Meanwhile, I serve the drinks and snacks. We are so totally opposite that sometimes our home is just funny, however, God gave each of us our spiritual gift to balance the others gift.

Just like in our families, our churches are full of people with spiritual gifts that compliment each other. God has uniquely placed individuals within our church to help further His Kingdom. While some have the gift of prophesy, others balance it with mercy or compassion. Those people with the gift of administration can direct the servants. The individuals with the gift of exhortation can put their arms around people who need encouragement.

Now, it is true that the Diet Coke/chocolate chip cookie balance may be thinking outside the box. However, God intends for us to have balance in our lives. Providing the perfect balance of spiritual gifts to believers whether it is in the home or church is just one more of God’s perfect plans.

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