Friday, August 6, 2010

Perspective Check

So many of my own frustrations, stresses, disappointments, and even sins can be effectively avoided if all I did was have a "Perspective Check." This goes back to the whole glass half full/empty analogy. If we take the time to step back and really look at our situation from God's perspective, how many negative thoughts, feelings and words would we avoid?

I am just wrapping up a study on the book of Ruth. You are familiar with the story and know how God took Naomi from hurt and bitter to healed and better, much better. Even in the end when she held Obed on her lap, she had no idea just how much better God had blessed her. She had no way of knowing that through her pain and misery that God was orchestrating the circumstances to produce Israel's greatest king and then ultimately the Messiah.

Ladies, be encouraged. Whatever you are facing, God has a purpose behind it. Claim the promises that you know exist in His word and ask Him to give you His perspective on your specific situation.

Feeling down? Check your perspective and ask God for His insight.

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