Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Deep End of Reality

We were blessed to spend last week with good friends from a former church in the mountains of Pigeon Forge. The "Smoke" Mountains, as my eldest used to call them, continue to hold a special place in my heart as they majestically and awe-fully point me to worship their Creator.

After spending a week purposefully not wearing my watch, I truly felt as though I was dropped into the deep end of reality yesterday morning as I awoke to take on a new day and new week of responsibilities.

Things are happening at the church. Things are happening at my daughter's school. Things need to have been done. Things are waiting to be done. Ever feel like you are about to be overwhelmed by all those kinds of things?

That is me this week.

BUT! I know I have so much to be thankful for. My reality includes an un-mowed lawn, not an undone life. Thankfully, my girls are healthy. My loved ones are safe and not in harm's way. My friends are close and I have an incredible husband who unpacked all the bags and put them away- without me asking!

My reality is a good one. Yes, I am busy, but it is a good busy. I know I am where I am supposed to be. I am content here in my deep end.

Thank You God for the perspective you give, the peace you offer and the power to do the things You have asked me to do.

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