Saturday, January 19, 2013

New Life

It will be a few months before we can welcome new life in nature, flowers blooming, trees budding, and grass growing, especially since we are smack in the middle of winter with its cold temperatures, ice, and snow.
But we can celebrate new life in Christ every time a person gives his or her life to the Lord for the forgiveness of sin.  Our church recently had this type of celebration: on the very first Sunday of this wonderful new year, six young souls were baptized, signifying that they now are children in God’s kingdom!
I am always excited when people come to Christ, and the fact that these new saints were children, all the more brought extra joy to my heart since I teach little ones at my church. I don’t know about you, but I never want to become apathetic about what it truly means when a person gives their life to Christ, and are now and forever in a loving relationship with our Savior.
God’s word says that there is even rejoicing in heaven among the angels over sinners who repent. (Luke 15:7,10)   So, rejoice and celebrate with me as we welcome these precious children into our Father’s family!

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