Friday, May 6, 2011

Danger of Getting Right with God Part 2

So, last post I mentioned that the enemy, satan, changes his strategy in his assault against us when we are right with God.....and one strategy he has in his arsenal is that tries to get us to “speak against” a brother. Another strategy he uses to keep us from having a close, intimate relationship with God is he tries to get us to become presumptuous.

In James 4 it says our life is just a “vapor”. It is short. Fleeting. You know when you boil a pot of water on the stove and the steam rises just a short distance and then disappears? It does not keep on rising forever. That is how our lives are! Just like a vapor our lives will not go one forever. We are just a breath! Yet….we live our lives assuming we have lots and lots of time!! Not only do we presume that we will have tomorrow, we presume on the grace of God.

If we are not careful, the security we have as believers will cause us to presume on the Holy Spirit and our salvation…then, subtly, without us even realizing it, we fall into the trap of having no sense of obligation or discipline or responsibility to spend time with God. We presume on His grace.

This presumption then leads to disappointment because God is not handling things the way we think He should. Disappointment then leads to bitterness which leads to becoming critical.

Do you see a pattern? Do you see how easily we can succumb to the traps of the enemy?

We get close to God.

We sense the Holy Spirit and His power

Then….without thought….we begin to assume that the power is ours and without even realizing it we begin to...

Not pray

Get no fresh Word from God

Scripture becomes less and less exciting

And before we know it we have drifted into our former ways and we are no longer right with God!!!

Beware my sisters. The enemy does NOT want us to be right with God! Guard against becoming critical and presuming on God!! Spend some time in James 4 and be encouraged!!

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