Monday, May 16, 2011

Judge Not...

Matthew 7:1 “Judge not that ye be not judged”.

I am so thankful and proud to say that our church is a very loving and forgiving church, but not all churches are that way. Some churches do not want the “undesirables’ to come. They want to make sure that everyone is “clean and living right” before they join. They tend to forget about the “Woman at the Well”. Also, many Christians like to put degrees on sin.

The unforgivable sin is the sin that I, personally, do not struggle with.”

As silly as that sounds, isn’t that the way lots of folks feel? If the particular sin is not one that is my weakness, it is unforgivable. If it is a sin that I struggle with, then, “I am only human and should be forgiven.”

Churches sometimes think they are in the “Judging Business” when in essence; we are in the “Healing Business”. God is the judge; we (or our church) is just the “hospital” to help love and heal the sinners.

As pastor’s wives, let’s set examples for the other wives by loving folks and praying for them, without judging them.

How do you personally handle “Judges”?

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