Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Hello to all you mothers out there! Yes, I know yesterday was the big day, but I think our job as moms is so important that we can carry over the celebration into at least a second day.

As ministers' wives we are faced with an added pressure if we have some people who call us mom, momma, mommy or mother. Our churches expect a lot of our parenting skills and of our kids. We are held by our congregations to a higher standard and our children are all too often judged too quickly.

I have often heard our situation called a fish bowl. Everyone is watching how and when we discipline, not to mention how our kiddos respond. Many PKs have a tough reputation that, unfortunately, has been rightfully earned.

So what do you do about it? How do you handle it? Please take a moment and write a line or two to encourage your sister.

I will start us off:

Remember Dear Mother, that you are not responsible to your congregation to raise your child a certain way, but to God alone!

I do hope you had a very blessed, very special day yesterday.

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