Thursday, May 5, 2011

Danger of Getting Right With God

I have been studying the book of James with some ladies for the past few months and am loving the powerful teaching that is coming from that book. James 4 talks about getting right with God by submitting to Him and THEN we can resist the devil and THEN we can draw near to God and He WILL draw near to us!! We are broken over our sin…we mourn and are miserable and as we humble ourselves in His presence the most amazing thing happens…He exalts us!! Wow!

Here’s the thing though….we must be aware of the danger of getting right with God. Satan changes his strategy when we are right with God. He changes his focus from coercing us into obvious sins to getting us to withdraw our fellowship with God.

This withdrawing from God can start with us becoming critical. James 4:11 tells us to not speak against one another. That word “speak” comes from the Greek word laleo which means “to make a noise”. This “noise” is the noise a wild animal would make!! It is the idea of making noise when no one is there to hear it. Can you just hear it now??? Whenever we are critical of someone we sound like a wild animal???!!! Simply making noise!!

Be careful ladies….if you are right with God….be aware of the strategies of the enemy!! He can easily get us to focus on our “self-righteousness” and then become prideful which then leads to becoming critical of others. After all….we are in NO position to speak against anyone!! Most of us know how hurtful it is when others are critical of us or our husbands or children!! Let's focus on getting right with God and stop making noises like wild animals!!

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