Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Simply Seeking

I recently came across an old Bible study which gave some very simple steps to seeking God first. The following suggestions are very familiar, but I believe it is always good to be reminded.

Sometimes the excuses we give for not seeking are given because we are believing the deceiver instead of the Savior. Jesus clearly tells us in Matthew 11:30 "My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

Let me give you these simple steps to help you keep those priorities in the right order.

1. Practice His Presence. Jesus tells us in John 15 to "abide in Him." He knows that we need Him in order to go through our day and accomplish His Kingdom purposes. David says in Psalm 16:8 "I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken."
Continually wait on God for your words and your actions. He has a plan and is waiting to give us His instructions.

2. Guard Your Quiet Time. Jesus was our example for getting alone with God. In the gospels we are told repeatedly that He sent the multitudes away and prayed. We are told He rose a long while before day light to spend time with the Father. If our Savior needed that time everyday, you and I cannot take a step without it. We all have the same amount of time everyday. If we are seek God first, we will spend time in His Word and in prayer and in His presence every day.

3. Seek God in some extended sessions. I know this sounds impossible with the many meetings, obiligations and family things we each take care of. The thing is, Jesus spent and entire night in prayer - He is our example and we are to follow His example. If the Son of God needed that time to carry out the kingdom's work, how much more urgent is it for us to do the same? Look at your schedule and put in a place for extended quiet time and study. This may be once a month or even once a quarter. I believe once you make this a priority you will wonder how you ever made it without this time.

4. Stay Active in Your Body of Believers. This sounds crazy for a minister's wife, doesn't it? Yet, too often we sit and observe the show instead of jumping in and loving and growing with the believers God has put around us. Take the risk of truly involving yourself with the women in your church. Learn to enter the sanctuary to truly worship our God. Ask God to prepare your heart each and every time you go to church.

These are not deep truths, but they are truths. Try it. Look and see where God has slipped in your priorities and allow Him back into His rightful place. Seek God First and watch Him work!

1 comment:

Pat said...

Thanks for the reminder, Karen. Sometimes it is the "simple" things that we tend to forget. Although I love where we are now, getting to visit all our churches, I do miss being a "part of the body" on a regular basis. I'm blessed to have our ministers' wives group, but your article made me see that I need to become more involved with our home church. I'm not sure if they have women's Bible studies or not, but think I'll check into that. Thanks again!!