Sunday, April 20, 2008

The James Gang

Hello! I am Dana, the 4th of 5 writers in this blog and am fearful, excited, fearful, humbled, fearful, overwhelmed and did I say fearful??? as I sit before this computer.

I am the cute blonde 3rd from the left in the picture....just kidding!! That is Nikki, our daughter-in-law, who is also a minister's wife. She is married to our son Brandon (behind her). That is Ashleigh, our daughter, holding baby Jackson and Josh, her husband holding little Ella. Ashleigh will be a minister's wife when the Lord provides a place for Josh to serve...he just graduated from Southern Seminary.

I am standing next to that handsome grey haired precious husband of 33 years, Ernie.

This is my family....and they have been my most important ministry over the years. You see, I longed to be a Godly woman....a Godly wife.....a Godly mother, but it was so difficult for me. I had no idea how to be any of those things. I did not grow up in a Christian home and had no Godly influences in my life....I had no examples to follow and I knew no Godly women. When I turned my life over to Christ, I desperately needed and wanted women who would teach me. Who I could watch and listen and learn from.

Oh ladies, are you desperate to have women in your life who know God....not just know about God? For women who believe God....not just believe in God. Do you have women that you are discipling? Mentoring? Do you have women that you trust and that you can sit at their feet and learn from them?

Let's pray for God to provide those women. Let's ask God to make us those women! Let's trust Him to provide....there is much at stake!!


Tara said...


You go girl! With the picture and everything! How cool are you?!

Thanks for the reminder about mentoring . . . I really feel like I have so much to learn from you and other ladies who are contributing . . . God has granted me some great friends who are ministers' wives too, but I needed the reminder to really look and see who I might be able to reach out to . . .

I look forward to reading more of your posts!


Vickie said...

Wow! I'm so impressed. You'll have to teach me how to add a picture.

Mentoring our women is so important and the Bible even commands it.


Lana said...

Well, everyone is impressed with the picture! Great job, girlfriend. I knew you could do it.
