Sunday, September 27, 2009

Much Afraid

I discovered that I have used the word “fear” way too many times in my blog writings. It is unfortunate that I allow fear to rule over my life and my mind so many times!! It is time for me to quit being “little much afraid” like the character in Hinds Feet for High Places. (By the way, if you have never read this little book, I would highly recommend it. In fact, I might have already highly recommended it to you.) Anyway….fear has a tendency to rule in my mind and it is something God continues to remind me it is sin. God has NOT given me a spirit of fear but of love and power and a sound mind!

I just recently began teaching Sunday school again after not teaching for one year. (It is hard to believe it has been a year since my husband pulled out of the driveway of our beautiful home in the country to move to this incredible city and it is hard to believe that I have been here 9 months.) And I was fearful as I approached church this morning to teach.

I leave in the morning to travel to Memphis to do some management training for a company I have worked with in the past….and I am fearful.

My husband just left to attend a personnel meeting at church…and I am fearful.

Last Monday morning I got a call at work from a lady who was to speak at a woman’s event that night but she was sick…."could I do it for her?", she asked…..and I was fearful.

We drove home in torrential rain through the mountains Friday….and I was fearful.

For years I would avoid doing anything that would cause me to be fearful. Driving over high bridges makes me fearful so I will avoid them if at all possible!!

The reason I am fearful is because I KNOW I can’t do whatever it is I find myself doing that is causing me fear. I am learning that instead of running from those opportunities that cause me fear as fast as I can….God is showing me that yes, I am weak. Yes, I cannot do these things. BUT that in my weakness His power is perfected!!

Honestly, I could go on and on with examples of how I am “little much afraid”! BUT I KNOW it is sin!!! My God is good. He is powerful. He is sovereign. I have nothing to be afraid of!! So, how do I deal with the overriding fear that so often overcomes me?

  1. Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Speak truth to my mind and heart.
  2. Believe that His power is perfected in my weaknesses.
  3. Pray, pray, pray asking God to give me calm and confidence and a twinkle in my eye!
  4. Trust and obey.
  5. Do it afraid!!

My friend, what are you afraid of doing? Now, I am not talking about bungee jumping or sky diving….but perhaps God is asking you to do something you are fearful of doing. My recommendation to you is this: do it afraid!!! Do it afraid and watch God’s power be perfected in you!!

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